Settle employment disputes effectively and amicably.

Disputes at work are stressful, expensive and disruptive. Early, constructive discussion can produce solutions before problems escalate and working relationships break down.

At Bell Park Kerridge, our experienced team can help you work towards a solution using Alternative Dispute Resolution methods such as Mediation, Arbitration and Conciliation.

However, if those methods do not lead to the dispute being resolved and a tribunal case follows, that’s where our expert litigation team come in. They have decades of experience of helping clients with employment-related matters in Carlisle, Cumbria and across the UK to help you achieve the outcome you want and need on your terms, all the way through to tribunal.

And of course, you can always count on our expertise, attention to detail and the personal touch for which we’re renowned.

We’re here to help you. Speak to us on 01228 888 999 or get in touch.


Our services include:

  • Unfair dismissal
  • Redundancy
  • Compromise and termination agreements
  • Age discrimination, disability discrimination, equal pay discrimination, sex discrimination and gender discrimination
  • Employment Tribunals
  • Unlawful deduction of wages


We aim to be as flexible on how we charge for our services as we are in making sure our service delivers the outcome you need. In some cases, your costs may be recoverable from the other party or parties – and we’ll always let you know if that’s going to be the case.

We can help you. Get in touch with our friendly, experienced team now >