Lasting Power of attorney

Our experts can help you to safeguard your interests and your legacy with a Lasting Power of Attorney

Life doesn’t always go to plan. Sometimes, challenges arise which need the help of others.

If that happens, it is always best to have planned ahead. The best time to plan for your future is when you are at the peak of your mental and physical powers and not, as can sometimes be the case, when you are frail, losing your mental agility and facing difficult decisions.

That is where our expert team can help you prepare a Lasting Power of Attorney – trusted people appointed to make decisions on your behalf if you are unable to.

A Lasting Power of Attorney can be made to appoint people you would like to deal with your financial affairs and/or decisions about your health and welfare should you lose capacity in the future. This can be one person or more than one individual depending on your personal circumstances.

If you do not have a Lasting Power of Attorney then the Court of Protection will decide who to appoint to manage your property and affairs (your ‘Deputy’) if you are unable to do so yourself, which may be someone you would not choose. The Court procedure is lengthy and expensive, see the costs comparison below. If a Deputy is appointed they have to file annual accounts with the Court and have to apply to the Court to do certain tasks, such as sell your house.

A Lasting Power of Attorney ensures that the people you choose would make decisions for you and manage your affairs and is far more cost effective.

Cost comparison: LPA vs Court of Protection


Legal Fees (for 1 LPA) – £350.00

Solicitor’s allowable fees – £950.00

Plus VAT – £70.00

Plus VAT – £190.00

Registration Fee – £82.00

Application Fee – £400.00

Medical Fee (Approx) – £200.00

Bond Premium (differs in every case) – Variable

Total – £502.00

Total (at least) – £1,740.00